Sunday, January 10, 2010

24 cats and another among the countless manhattans

I picked up this lovely 3 year old girl midweek. She is foster cat number 24 for me. She was found wandering the streets of Dorchester by Animal Rescue League and has been in the shelter since December 28. She's with me for 10-14 days so she doesn't get an infection after being fixed. She's as skinny as a rail but is eating well.

She is quite the starlet. She'd take a few steps, pause, face the camera and then repeat. Very sweet temperament but has a real problem with being picked up and held so it's a good thing she doesn't require any medication. She is sleeping with me and has jumped up on my lap while I'm working at my desk so I'm hoping by the time it gets to put her back in the carrier, I won't be mauled to badly.

The tradition in my house is I get a cat, I welcome her with a manhattan. This one is a perfect my perfect frozen glass.


Forest said...

ah, that does look perfect. And, i've probably said this before, but i think it's great you do the foster cats! Let me know next tiem you welcome a new one and I'll make a welcome manhattan too!(any excuse...I'm terrible) :)

Manhattans in Boston said...

No one lately but don't let that stop you from enjoying a manhattan.

Forest said...

hey patricia....haven't seen any entries in awhile...just popping around to see if anything new is coming soon. hope the lack of entries is because you're busy with something fun!

Manhattans in Boston said...

More just dullness and lack of energy mostly due to winter.