So I come home and just drop all the purchases and suitcase to run into the new space. I can't believe it. The floor looks nothing like the existing floor.

Do these floors look dark to you? Trust me. They are. It's not even the same wood grain. In fact, it looks very similar to the sample that I rejected.

I leave a message for the contractor. I try to remain calm but it's very difficult. I don't say anything about my reaction, just name and phone number and please call me.
Next morning around 11 am when I still haven't heard from him. I call again. He asks if I've seen the floor. I want to ask if he's seen the floor but even with my limited experience with contractors, I know not to antagonize him too much. I am unhappy. He claims he left Saturday around 6 pm when they were just starting to put the stain on. I don't say anything about the very strict instructions that they were not to be left in the house alone. I tell him how unhappy I am. When is he going to come and see this mess and more important, when is it going to be fixed?
He comes over Tuesday night and agrees that the wood is not a match. I wonder out loud how they (whoever they is...) thought they were going to get away with this. How did they possible think this would be acceptable. They have basically ruined my house.
Can you tell by the date of this posting that it is now over two weeks since this happened? Well it has been. I have been offered $400 off the cost of the remodel. $400? See last sentence in previous paragraph for my answer to that. Contractor came over and pulled a sample from the closet which is the lightest shade of any of the wood in the house so not the best. I again point out the colors and tones I want from existing wood. I get a sample that is too light; even lighter than the sample they pulled from the closet. I give them pictures of the shades I want. Wednesday of this week, I call the contractor. When am I going to see a sample? He saw one this week but said it was too light. He is going to get another one.
Haven't seen or heard from him since. This will eventually resolve itself but my patience is almost gone.
Paint color looks pretty good though.
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