Thursday, February 19, 2009


I got to thinking about my nestegg the other day...really trying hard not to think of it but that's the surest way to being unable to get it out of your head, right.

So I'm at the dvd section of the library and low and behold, there's Lost in America. If you haven't seen this, you should. It was written, directed and stars Albert Brooks as David; Julie Haggerty is his wife Linda. He has a meltdown after not getting a promotion at work and quits. They decide to sell everything and buy an RV and just travel across the country like Easy Rider (this is one of the running jokes of the movie). First night out, they stop in Las Vegas to renew their vows and have one last extravagent night in a hotel. Linda ends up going to the casino in the middle of the night and loses almost everything. They have some paltry sum left.

David is sullen and subdued the next morning as they head out of town until he finally lets loose about the nestegg with the following.

"If you understood the nest egg principal as we now call me a favor, don't use that word. It's off limits to you. Only those in this house who understand the nestegg may use it. And don't use any part of it either. Don't use nest. Don't use egg. If you're out in the forest, you can point. That bird lives in a round stick. And you have things over easy with toast."

So, no, I'm not going to cash in my nestegg (too late for that at this point anyway) but I did enjoy rewatching this movie. It's is one of those that I can just pick any spot in the movie, what for a bit, be happy, and go on to something else. Or I can watch the whole thing in its entirety and have an even better time.

Good stuff.

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