Friday, March 20, 2009

Soup, mmm (part 8)

The decision is still out on this one. But I finally go to make the potato sorrel soup from James McNair's Soup book. The most interesting thing about this is the photo - notice the heart-shaped item - don't even know how I got this effect but it looks pretty cool. I'm assuming it's the reflection from the light and slant of the camera.

Not knowing what sorrel tasted like before I made the soup, I have to assume that the somewhat tart/bitter flavor I got was correct and just not so much to my liking. This flavor was not overwhelming. The swirl on the side is the tomato paste/creme fraiche blend. It was interesting and I would like to find something else to try it on.

Here's the recipe, if anyone wants to try it. If you click on it, it will get bigger and readable.

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