Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lucca, North End, Boston

Do you have unblended rye?  
I don't know what that is?
Then you probably don't have it?  What kind of bourbon do you have?
Maker's Mark, Knob Creek, Rittenhouse Rye.

Yes, that was the exact conversation.  But they had unblended rye so I guess I should just be happy and shut up, right?

Very good.  The bar at Lucca has been very good every time I've been there.  


Forest said...

LOL! and that sounds like my dry vermouth conversations in paris.

Manhattans in Boston said...

I know they have to get experience some time but it is interesting that bars with good reputations let such inexperienced staff be on the front lines on a Friday night. I will give her this though, she followed my instructions to the letter and commented something to the effect of me knowing what I want.