Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Wilds of Maine

We left early on Saturday morning; for once I am not late and arrive at my friend's house promptly at 9 AM. We stop for shopping in Portsmouth, NH, have a wonderful chicken caesar wrap for lunch at Portsmouth Gas Light Company. Then it's on to Maine.

Words will not do justice to the absolute peace and serenity here. It's Bauneg Beg Lake in Maine. There are times up when you literally cannot hear a human sound.


Forest said...

absolutely quiet lakeside spots like this!

Anonymous said...

Hi Patricia,
Glad you had the opportunity to enjoy Bauneg Beg Lake.
You are invited to view my Bauneg Beg Lake website and become a member if you so wish.
or simply Google the name.


Davis Square, Somerville, & Bauneg Beg Lake, Maine